My new Assistant Boss is Ritchie. He used to be the custodian, but he decided that he would like to be Director and so he moved into my office:
Please notice that he is not actually IN the office. Ritchie is Allergic to me, so he does not actually visit much. He did give me a few treats, and he's doing a good job being Director in that none of the staff can find him when they need him.
I am very stressed about my ex-AB being away for so long. Everyone else is doing a good job keeping me distracted, except for AAB Kathy, who actually THREW ME OUT of her office this morning for rubbing my furs on her computer monitor and knocking her hand sanitizer on the floor! (Okay, she did not throw me. She carried my Majestic self upstairs and deposited me in another office.)
See how bad things are getting?
My precious Whisker-hairs are falling out! I'm going to name that one "Ritchie." The one after that shall be "Ritchie Jr."
I have also decided that I want to make my own cat breed--all by myself. I like being an orange tiger-kitty, but I think I deserve my own special breed name. One of my AABs really likes those Scottish Fold cats, so I'm going to compromise and work on being an Indiana Half-Fold cat:
I don't know how successful I will be, because I keep switching sides. . .
Hoping Whiskers grow back fast,