About Tober

Hi! I am a Famous Library Cat who lives at rules the beautiful Thorntown Public Library in Thorntown, Indiana.

I was discovered by My Assistant Boss Karen Niemeyer in October 2008. She brought me home to live with her, but she also has two evil weiner-dogs that I didn't much care for. So I told her I would prefer to move into the Library where I could have some peace and quiet and not see those crazy woofies. Because I am very Bossly, she automatically said "Absolutely, Tober," and I moved right in.

Actually, it was a bit more difficult than that. See, AB Karen has a group of seven Super-Bosses call the Library Bored, and she had to sneak me past them so I could live in the Library. But then she asked them if I could live there to make it Official. The Library Bored meets every month to admire me and pet me and do other things like approve the toilet-paper orders.

So I moved into the Library and instantly won the hearts of the staff. I did this by allowing them to pet me and treat me and haul me around the Library in the Upside-down position. I've also learned that you can earn very Nice belly rubs by throwing yourself at a Human's feets. They instantly stop what they are doing so that they can rub the tummy.

Some of my favorite treats in the Whole Wide World include (but are not limited to): Posty-notes, ethernet cords, label stickers, gum wrappers, and Temptations. I also like to bite on Produce--particularly apples--and I like tipping wastebaskets and then gazing into them.

I have one Assistant Boss and a bunch of Assistant Assistant Bosses, one of whom is a Lergic. Apparently Lergics can't be around Cats a whole lot, but luckily I don't bother them too much, because all sorts of Lergics visit the Library and don't even know I live here.

Feel free to visit the Thorntown Public Library page, or you can email me at csterle at thorntown dot lib dot in dot us. (She is usually pretty good about getting me my messages.)

Check out my picture featured on Zoolatry here.