My staff tries very, very hard to make me pose for pictures. They get these ideas, like "Let's get a picture of Tober with his Apple" or "Let's take a picture of Tober looking at birdies" or "Let's take a picture of Tober washing himself." The problem is, they almost always get these ideas when I'm napping, or having a snack, or. . .
Okay, so I'm usually napping or having a snack. The point is, they find something I sometimes like to do, but try to make me do it when I'm not in the mood to be doing it.
We had a Wedding at the Library on Saturday, which was Very Big Doings for me, since I was the only Library Staff Member on duty that evening. I snoopervised the proceedings (very quietly. . . I was advised that I shouldn't yell at them), and when they left, they left me flowers!
The flowers are very pretty and I thought it was very nice to leave them behind until a few Assistant (Assistant) Bosses got together and thought I should pose with flowers.
I am a Man-Cat. I should not pose with flowers. I should pose with dead mice and wrenches and plates of BBQ ribs and things. So they put me on the mantel with the flowers and here is what happened.
Here I do not really care about the flowers. I was sniffing for the Treat that they put next to the flowers to keep me from running away in embarrassment:

Here I really shocked 'em! You should have seen the looks I got when I started nibbling away!

Luckily they got bored (and a bit concerned with my digestion) after I ate on the flowers for a little bit, so the mantel part of the photo shoot ended pretty quickly. My photographer walked off and left me up there, and I had to jump down to the carpet. She took another picture of me looking pretty peeved, with more pretty flowers in the background:

Of course, the Library Staff was all excited about the pretty flowers, mostly because they're all ladies. Ladies like flowers, I hear. Maybe I should send a flower to Kumari? Hmmm.
Anyway, all the Staff like the flowers except for me and Ritchie, because we're Men. And Ritchie has to clean up the messy flower pieces when they fall off, and I wouldn't want to do that either.
Pffft to flowers (unless Kumari likes them),