Friday, October 30, 2009

Another Mail!

Okay, okay. . . you won't believe this! On Tuesday, after I got my very first Mail, my Assistant Boss Karen was so excited that she left her Mail pile lying on the Genealogy desk. My Assistant Assistant Boss Christine found it a few hours later and (snoopy person that she is) flipped through it again and found. . .


. . . another Mail for me!

This one was a letter from a fellow Cat who lives in Lebanon, Indiana. I will share with you!

Dear Tober,

I am a fan of yours and my person helps read to me from your blog. I think you are very lucky to be in charge of a library and have so many people love you and give you treats.

My name is Chi and I am of the Siamese group and a sassy sealpoint to be exact. I have bright blue eyes and lots of energy and my person and I are very close. I have a big job in taking care of my person as I am the Boss here you see. I get treats several times a day also and my favorite is Temptations.

I will check out your blog again soon and may I say you are a very handsome cat and those gold stripes really pop.

A Feline Fan,


I was Super-excited after I found out I had TWO Mails in one day, but the Staff kept hogging all the computers around here, so I didn't get to update my Blog!

Chi sounds like One Really Special Cat if you ask me. So Chi, if you're reading this, thanks for the letter and give your Person a great big headbutt for helping you read Blogs.

Here is a picture of my one Black whisker. It is a whisker that starts out Black and then changes to white. My AABs say it makes me Unique. You might have to biggify the picture to see it:

I don't mind Extreme Close-Ups because I am Extreme-ly Handsome.
Have Happy and Safe Halloweekends! Be careful Cats and try to stay in your houses if you can!




Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is so cool Tober!!!!! Two mails in one day! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow fan mail. You're such a lucky cat Tober.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You are on a roll, Tober! We see your one black whisker. Furry cool!

Have a great Halloween weekend!

JC said...

Wow ... You are just so cool !!!

Poppy Q said...

Tober, that was very exciting. You will need a big noticeboard to display all of your fan mail.

Tuck said...

Of course you are are Tober! Happy Halloween buddy!

Nomi said...

I couldn't see your black whiska !

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wows!! You are very popular!! We see the whisker! Cool!!

Gisa Berret said...

You are very, very popular. Even here, in Brazil!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

You got mails?!? Lucky!! Did either of them have catnip in them? Those are the best mails! Though I always worry here, because Jack says our mails are delivered by DOG-sled half the year, and I don't want them to sniff my cat-nips and steal them!


Anonymous said...

We hope that you got lots of lovin' and some extra treats,too☺

Lisa Kolosey said...

You are so popular Tober, getting fan mail and all! I love your one black whisker. That's what I called a dipped whisker. Our Yukon's whiskers have all been dipped in black...starting out black and then turning white. I think it is VERY special to have only one.
~Lisa Co9T

Cats in trees said...

Looks like ink. Do you use that whisker to answer all your fan mail perhaps?

The Kitty City Gazette said...

Hi Tober!

I was wondering if you could send me some pictures of you. I write The Kitty City Gazette and would love to write you into a silly story.

Take care you gorgeous Ginger kid!

Oodles of Love,