I am happy to report that everything is almost back to Normal here. It was a hectic weekend, but I survived!
My Library float won the Grand Champion of all the Floats in the Festival of the Turning Leaves Parade! The theme was "These are a few of our favorite things" and the Library's favorite things were Chocolate, Cats, Gourds, Smiles, and Books (not necessarily in that order) and that wad of tinfoil turned out to be a Sterno can and that card table turned into a giant Fondue Pot! (Sorry about all the ands. I'm a little excited!)
If you look to the right side of the shot, you will see the scary Imposter Tober lying (embarrassingly) face-down on a cushion. He is earning his place in the storage room by working as my Stunt-Double.
Here's the thing from the back of the Float of Excellence:
We also book-saled a LOT of books over the weekend. Over one half of the 80 boxes of books we put out for the sale found good homes, and people donated lots of moneys for the Friends of the Library to use for programs and things. (The moneys would also buy lots of Whisker Lickins.)
While my Staff and my Stunt-Double were lying around on an Award-Winning Float enjoying the parade, I was hard at Work snoopervising the cleaning of the Library carpets. To clean the carpets, my coworkers had to get all of the Stuff (except books & shelves) off of the carpets.
I took this literally:
This position made me very Tall and authoritative.
In other exciting news, my Library Staff discovered FURminators last week. Now, normally I wouldn't use this Esteemed Blog to advertise something unless I think it's pretty special. . . but I was quite impressed with the results of my FURmination last week, so my Staff ordered a box of FURminators so they can take them home for their house-dogs and -cats. I highly recommend them to all Animals who have extra furs they don't want.
The order arrived today, so if you fly over Indiana in the middle of the night, don't be surprised if you see a cloud of furs obscuring the Thorntown. That's a cloud of Happiness.
Proud and Recently DeFURminated Boss of TPL,
Hi Tober! Congrats on your float being the Grand Champion! We bet it's because there was a cat on it, even if it was a Tober imposter!!
How absolutely regal you look in that chair!
Concatulations on the Grand Champion of all the Floats in the Festival of the Turning Leaves Parade.
But,oh that regal photo of you can not be beat by a grand champion!
What's a "furminator"?
Pawsome winning the Grand Champion of all the floats! It is very cute and we can see why it won.
Why is mom going thru all da cabinets mumbling about der's gotta be chocolate here somewhere...
Concatulations on your winning float, Tober! Although I don't think that impostor does you any justice! BTW, I am a little in love with my FURminator! FURminators get the paws up around here!
the big event of this new begining in the fall.
and as we know, you are the best!
Concatulations on the float! And we are so glad things are back to normal now. We luff that pic of you up high.
Concatulations on your float being Grand Champion! That is wonderful, and Meowm says those are some of her favorite things too.
We like that tall place youare laying....all the better to snoopervise from!
Hi Tober! Congrats on the float winning - you must be very proud of your staff!
And that mountain of furniture looks like it would be so fun to sit on top of - you must have enjoyed it!!
And we love the furminator (well, ok, some of us do). It does a great job of getting the old furs out.
Tober, you look just like a king sitting up there like that.
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