I would be Mad, but I guess maybe Jealous Cat just wishes he had a barn quilt and a Library, too. So he can sit near my barn quilt whenever he wants.
Today the Staff decided to celebrate Halloween early, since only four of them will work tomorrow, and zero of them will work on Halloween (because we are Closed on Sundays).
Left to right you see: a lady with paper feathers on her, a lady with a red cape, a lady with crazy socks, a lady with a wig-hat, a lady with a terrifying hat, and a lady with lots of smileys. These are my Peeps. My Posse. Don't mess with Tober, 'cause they've got my back. (They will probably also send me lots of emails complaining that I bloggified them without permissions.)

We had snacks for Halloween/Helen's-Last-Day-at-Work. Helen is Retiring, which I absolutely forbid, but she said she would anyways, so I Fired her. Helen has promised to return for Tober time, so I'll forgive her (as long as she brings treats).
We have lots of snacks around here, and sometimes it's hard to get Staff to understand that there are "help yourself" snacks and "special occasion" snacks. AAB Becki has to try to keep folks in line:
With all of the excitement and candy bars going on here, a cupcake was left unattended:
I made sure to lick just enough to determine that I really didn't like it, and then left it so AAB Christine could scrape the icing off. (I like cool whip better.)
I have to end this post with some sad news. After much consideration, we (meaning not me) have decided to do Away with the pepper. He is looking pretty rough these days, as he is almost two weeks old.
I still love the pepper, but we really don't have fun like we used to. His leaves are gone, and he doesn't make that nice hollow thumping sound when he hits the floor now. I did swat him into the paper-tray thingie a few times, but it just isn't the same.
R.I.P. little pepper. I will miss you.
Okay, last but not least. . . in case I do not do an Official Halloween Post, I want to say Happy Halloween to everyone, and a special stay safe for all of my blogging friends--especially the fuzzy ones. Stay close to home (or inside) so no rotten mean people mess with you!
Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween,