Well guess what? We're not Wild Kingdom around here, and I've got super-high-powered ears to help me hear (a) treats being opened, (b) gum wrappers being removed, (c) the pitter-patter of little feet and (d) not-so-stealthy Photographers.
Yup, I'm looking at you.
My natural habitat is Awesomeness,
You look almost like a kitten in that photo.
Here's looking at you, you strikingly handsome man cat!
You are looking exceptionally cute, Mr. Orange eyes!
~Lisa Co9T
Why do the humans think they can sneak up on us?? They never can!!
Cute pic of you, Tober!!
The paparazzi - we can just smell 'em coming!
You are the most Awesome of Awesomeness EVER!!!!
U r one cool kitty, Tober!
You rock, Tober!
Nubbin wiggles,
Good thing we felines have those wonderful ears that turn (independently) in different directions, so we can hear would-be sneaky photographers and anyone trying to take away our supper dishes.
What a mancatly photo, Tober! My mum tries to sneak up on us to take photos too. You'd think that our staff would realize that we have super-sensitive hearing and that sneaking is impossible!
Are you sure you are really you?? You look so different -- upside down!
I like how this photo makes your ears look. You look like an upside down gremlin/yoda.
Well I don't know, looks like you're doing what comes naturally there. You sure are a cute orange cat!
Tober, our Mama is reading a book she got from PaperBackSwap about ANOTHER cat who lived in a library. Do you know of him? His name was Dewey. He was dropped into the returns bin when he was a kitten, and the librarians decided to raise him! We did not know library cats were so popular. Our library does not have a cat. We want to move to a town with a library cat!!!!!
Hi Tober! We totally agree about your awesomeness! And we think that is a SUPER cute picture of you too!!
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