From what I understand, they presented a book talk (meaning they yammered on and on for about 30 minutes about--you guessed it--books). Which is great! I love books, and reading is fun and important, especially if you're a Cat looking for Attentions (see my previous post).
They talked and talked and talked, and mentioned all sorts of stuff about books, and audiobooks, and MP3 CDs, and OverDrive, and mysteries and Westerns and Christian fiction and suspense and adventure and magazines and nonfiction books and young adult books and Alice in Wonderland.
They forgot something.
After they were All Done, one of the nice & attentive audience members came up and said "I can't believe you didn't mention Tober."
SO FIRED. This is the Most Fired I have ever Fired anyone.
I am so Disappointed in my AABs. AAB Christine spends way too much of my time harassing me with a camera and turning me upside-down to FORGET me, and AAB Britta is my Catnip-getter-outer and gives great tummy rubs.
Karen is going to be really Sad that these two got Fired, but really, who can blame me? When you're Bossed by a World- and Internet-Famous Cat, you shouldn't really be forgetting him. Especially when the mention of said Cat would bring interestingness, humor, and Class to the presentation.
Watching my Staff get Smaller & Smaller,
Oh Tober. This is an outrage! I can see the disappointment on your face! Maybe u can forgive the staff, but demand that next time u have a full mention!
I like your being busy stuff. I truly think you are awesome, and deserve everything you get AND more.
Mommy is headed to our finally reopened library today. But she will be back.... They don't have a library cat.
Some beans are such idiots.
We used to have a newspaper cat. We should have a library cat.
But you would still be more awesome.
Can you just give them a warning ? They seem nice and probably have cats at home that they need to feed. I know but think about it ...
By the way, your photo makes you look very serious ...
How awful! What could they have been thinking???
Tober, we have to agree with you. Humans must be held accountable for their actions or lack of same.
Well, they deserved it, Tober!!
That is a very serious infraction! No wonder they are fired! Everyone knows that libraries with cats and books are way more popular than libraries with just books, so you need to be mentioned every single time anyone talks about the library!
hmmm. Degrees of fired-ing-ness. Tober, you are quite a Cat, as we all are. Just how many tummy snuzzles are gonna be needed to make up for this, we wonder? Maybe your Staff need to make a Flat Tober to accompany them when they are Allowed out of your sight.
Tober! We are shocked! We can't find the proper words to describe how terrible this is! We don't blame you one bit for firing them!!!
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