Thursday, February 16, 2017

Smelly Shoe Collection

Each year during the month of February my library serves as a collection site for the Boone County Solid Waste Management District (BCSWMD for short, kind of) Smelly Shoe Collection REUSE Heart & Sole Shoe Collection.  Unwanted, neglected shoes can be donated to the BCSWMD and they find new feet to go in them!

If the shoes aren't suitable for new feet, they can be recycled so they don't end up in landfills!

But the best part. . . is they bring all kinds of interesting smells to the library.  Each day I pass by the bags and my super-sensitive and curious feline nose learns new smells.  Some of these shoes have spent a lot of time outside, and some come from farms, and some are work shoes that used to go to offices and factories and stores and restaurants, and some have played basketball and gone to the gym.  

We have TWO bags full!
Mind you, the humans staff with their inferior noses can't smell these wonderful smells.  (They aren't complaining.)

I think that this is a fantastic effort by the people at the BCSWMD, even if their organization name is too long to type out more than once.  

However, they delivered the supplies for the Smelly Shoe Collection in this bag:

Neat bag!!
I was horrified.  Do you see it????

Recycled PET!!!!  I am very supportive of recycling and all, but this has gone too far, people.  I'm going to write a letter to the BCSWMD bosses and. . .

. . . hang on a minute.



So, someone just told me that PET is short (for real, short) for polyethylene terephthalate, which is especially long for plastic.  So the bag is made from 100% recycled plastic, with is a good thing, not 100% recycled pets, which is a weird (and creepy) thing.

In that case, I can relax.

If you have any shoes, smelly or otherwise, you can bring them to my library by February 22!



Friday, February 10, 2017

My First Art!

I have exciting news!  Last week I received my very first Art!

There is an "Art Gallery" tab on this blog site (up there ⬆) that has a collection of most, if not all, of the Art that was created in Tober's honor.  Well, I have been here for 9 (NINE) months now (can you believe it!?) and I don't have any Fan Art yet.  (Mind you, I am not counting that silly drawing that showed up on the staff wipey-board in September.)

Mr. Sam Hillger has remedied that situation with this lovely portrait of me.  Notice that I am surrounded by colorful mouses (not balloons!):

Fancy-Pants Chance!
My *bling* is even included in the picture!  I think Sam did a great job of capturing my likeness, don't you?  My only critiques are that my ears should be a bit bigger, and I don't appear to be frowning.

Even without bunches and bunches of Art, things are pretty great here at the library.

Me and a pal.
I hope everybody has fun weekends.  I will be here, waiting for treats, faucet-water, Da Bird, and belly rubs.

