I had two very interesting visits on Tuesday. As a result, I am All Worn Out and sleeping in My Office.

First, David Alan Z. (yes, the Tober Putter-Outer/Census Man) brought in his birthday card from his wife. On the front was a gold tabby Cat in a birthday hat—-not as handsome as me, but looking very Celebratory. (Also, I would never wear a hat. Please refer to my
St. Patrick's Day post.) When My Staff opened the card, there was a picture of many celebrating gold cats and they Meowed the “Happy Birthday” song, even the ". . . and many more!" in Loud Meows. My Staff, unfortunately, thought this was very funny, but I just had to Turn My Back and Flatten My Ears. People will have to learn that birthdays are for Tummy Rubs, Whipped Cream cake frosting, and compliments to me!
For our Senior Lunch Program we have cake almost every day because we celebrate birthdays of even those people who are not at lunch that day. . . we celebrate sunshine. . . we celebrate the fact that Ritchie has our floors shining. . . we celebrate that computers are working fine, that books stand up Straight on the shelves, and that everyone came to Work. . . we celebrate that I, Tober, am Boss of the Library. We have cake for any reason.
As for me, I still prefer crunchy cat Treats, but I have recently been known to steal a straw and bat it across the floor or across the AB’s desk. I am waiting for whipped cream icing.
Next, after working All Day to change filters on the heating and cooling system, John of Precision Control Systems of Indianapolis gave me a great head-scratching. AB Karen gave him the jar of Kitty Treats and I showed him where it is kept in the upper right desk drawer. Then I showed him how neatly I eat one Tidbit at a time. He was
very impressed. John and his helpers do a great job of keeping My Library very comfortable, but he did startle me today. I heard him on the roof above my Napping Place and thought he might be a
BIG Bird. He promised to bring Treats the next time he comes. He is behind—-David Alan Z. already brought treats. John is forgiven, however, for this was his First Visit, and he did not realize I am Boss of the Library and that I will be the one to OK his company’s Invoice.
Bossing is Exhausting,