It has been fourteen (14) days (that's TWO WHOLE WEEKS) since my last post! We have been busy busy bees around here. In recognition of our Busyness, I will blog about 14 things that have happened here in the last 14 days:
Thing 1: Mr. Mike Spear refinished two of the wood desks. One of them is not too old, but needed to be prettied up a bit, but the other desk is positively ancient--nearly 100 years old! In cat years, that's. . . that's. . . really old. Ancient!
So to fix up the old old desk, the staff had to uncover it and move all of their
junk very important work things to book carts and other places. So it looked like this:

Yes, it looks like a crime scene.
Thing 2: Refinishing the old old desk (and the new one) made it Stink to High Heaven. This was a Stink to End All Stinks. Because of the Stink, the staff opened a few windows.
I got to smell the Outside while safely Inside!
This was a wonderful thing, since I only get to smell the Outside when (a) a People-Counter mistakenly
puts me Out twice or (b) I'm being carried to the V-E-T.
Thing 3: AAB Ritchie labeled the tool/"miscellaneous" drawers in the Storage Room.

See all those little stickers? Those are the labels. What you can't see is that of the 23 labels, 11 of them say "& MISC." What is Miscellaneous? No one knows. But if we ever need any, we know right where to look!
Thing 4: AAB Photographer took a picture of me with huge paws.
Thing 5: The desk got done Stinking, and now we have to be all careful about eating Treats off of it. I'm forced to use a plate:

Also, if you want to make AAB Becki crazy, leave a coffee cup on the corner of the desk. It will drive her nuts!
Thing 6: The staff made Fun of AAB Ritchie for his labeling job by labeling his desk for him one evening.

You probably can't see, but each sticker says something-or-other & MISC. (!) on it.
Thing 7: Mark Twain came to visit the Library! Dave Ehlert, an impressionist who does shows in Branson, MO, performed and 90-minute show about Mark Twain and his interesting life. I hear it was big Fun, although I was NOT invited to show and spent the night feeling quite Neglected.
Thing 8: I am such an Important Library Boss that even the contractors who do work at the Library ask after my well-being. John from Precision Control Systems very thoughtfully asked how I was when he last visited. Knowing that I am happy and well-fed helps him to get a good night's sleep.
Thing 9: (At this point I'm realizing maybe it wasn't that exciting around here over the last two weeks.) I have learned that the quickest way to motivate my Staff is to approach the Automatic Doors when they are wide Open. This makes them yell "Tober!" and "NO!" and then they lecture me and pet me and give me treats. I have been told Never Never Ever do I go Outside. But since they give me treats when I twitch in the general direction of an open door, I think I'll keep up the ruse.
Thing 10: Ooooh, we've had rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, a sunshine, rain, rain, and rain here. And Thunderboomers. Here's how I look during Thunderboomers (which are Terrifying despite my brave Mancatliness):

I sit on the landing on the stairs during storms, so that I can be almost Upstairs and almost Downstairs at the same time. That way I'm close to all of my staff at the same time.
Thing 11: AAB Photographer took a picture of me being Annoyed.
Thing 12: I was encouraged to participate in an Apple Trick photo shoot. The only reason I agreed to this is because I think it's funny watching my Photographer crawl around on the floor to take pictures of me.
Thing 13: I was accosted by a wooden Duckie.

AB Karen thought that the Duckie and I would be friends. (She was wrong.) But I was entertained as I got to watch first Karen, then AABs Christine and Britta, take turns pushing a flapping, waddling wooden Duck across the office while getting weird looks from Library customers.
Thing 14: In lieu of a 14 Thing, I'm going to cross my paws and hit the Publish Post button and hope that all of my Handsome photos and evidence of Busyness don't blow up the Blogger site.
Hoping for (slightly) less Busy times ahead,
But realizing that I'm not going to get my wish,
Tober, Busy Boss of TPL