Friday, September 2, 2016

Weight Watchers

We have a staff wipey-board that we use to note who is here and who isn't here during the work-day.  Custodian Sandy and I are on the very bottom of the wipey-board because we are the newest library employees.

Today I looked at the wipey-board and noticed this:

While I have become more, um, robust during my first few months as library cat, I think this is a serious exaggeration.  Look at that tiny head!  My head is not that tiny!  And that stubby tail, and those froot-bat ears!

The frown is spot-on.   

(Okay, maybe the ears are, too.)
So far I have heard the words stout, robust, rotund, portly, chubby, heavy, whispered as I pass by (or as I'm lying in a sun-beam, being admired by visitors).  Of course, I also hear sweet, friendly, outgoing, handsome, lucky, and awesome.  So as long as there's some recognition for my awesomeness, I guess I can put up with critiques about my waistline.  

Large and In Charge,



John Bellen said...

After your condition when you were rescued, Chance, I think you deserve a little extra poundage. And by the way, are you ever 'out' on the board?

Anonymous said...

As they say, Chance, there is just more of you to love. Besides, you're healthy and that's the most important thing.

Gabriel's Mom

Summer said...

I think they should just stick to awesome.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....any time de werd diet iz used ina sentence with yur name, well, itz KNOT A GOOD THING ~~~~~~~ ya knead ta find a sekrit spot ther in yur libraree ta start hidin

plus... pleez let yur purrsonz noe... camera addz 10 poundz sew when they looked thru de camera lenz....

yea ~~~~~~~~

heerz two a lake whitefish kinda week oh end ~~~~ ~~♥♥♥♥

Elliekate said...

Such a handsome kitty you are :) So happy to see another library cat at Thorntown library. Used to follow Tober as kittytracks a while back. hoping one day will get to visit you and other fellow library cats such as Browser and cauli le Chat.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

They forgot 'healthy' :)

Bonnie said...

I am one of the library "feeders" & I say "beefy!" Besides, your fur is so luxurious now & very little shedding! Handsome boy! But, I guess I am sort of biased.....