Today it has been one whole year since my esteemed predecessor Tober the World and Internet-Famous Library Cat crossed over the Bridge.
But he's still around.
My coworkers have files full of mementos from his years of Librarycatdomhood. Christmas cards, signs, old collars (that he absolutely refused to wear, even if they were hand-made or special-ordered and had the Dewey number for "cat" on them), letters and artwork from fans and friends. One of the mementos you see in the photo above is the orange-and-green
Forever Pepper that was crafted for Tober to help him with the loss of his real Pepper that he loved so much. You can read about his Pepper
here and
Well, the real Pepper's story didn't actually end in OcTOBER 2010. See, then-AAB Christine
did (reluctantly) throw it away after she decided it was too yucky to be used as a Feline Training Device. So she tossed it in the wastebasket under her desk.
As you know, in addition to being handsome, intelligent, and mancatly, Tober was a World-Class Wastebasket Tipper.
Tober, caught in the act! |
Seriously. Picking up wastebaskets each morning should have been added to the custodian's job description. AAB Photographer was all the time getting shots of Tober's 'tocks sticking out of a wastebasket!
In March 2011, Christine moved a file cabinet away from the wall and found, you guessed it:
Lookin' good for a 5-month-old! |
And she did with it what any rational (cat) person would do. She stuck it in her desk drawer.
I'll spare you the details of how it moved from drawer to drawer, and eventually into another office, where it found its way to the bookcase where Tober's Forever Pepper now resides. Real Pepper has been there for a year, tucked away behind Forever Pepper, an homage to Tober's
War on Produce and love of wastebasket-tipping. Sometime last month it would have celebrated its 6th birthday, if Peppers were celebrated like that.
So, today, in memory and celebration of Tober, Library Cat Extraordinaire, I spent a few minutes admiring his Pepper.
*sniff sniff* |
It smelled kind of weird. I tried to bite it, but it has been returned to its (hidden) place of honor.
Remember Tober today by following the linkies in this post. He had lots of fun being Library Cat, and lots of love, and he made lots of memories with his friends. Wherever the Bridge is, I hope it has a good supply of wastebaskets, Post-It notes, and Temptations cat treats.