Wednesday, December 21, 2016

No respect.

I thought I was done with hats after the "Who Wore It Best?" fiasco.

But, no.  During a flurry of last-minute, thank-goodness-for-Amazon shopping, *somebody* noticed that a certain hat/beard combo was back in stock.  A beard, as if I don't have my own nice chin-hairs!

Why?  Why does she do this?

Look how sad I am!  After my other ear was "tucked in" I did this. . .

"Y U Do Dis?"
. . . and photographer finally felt sorry and took it off.  Whew.

But!  Poor Ollie.  He can't even defend himself.

Bah, humbug!
Of course, he has a perpetual frown/grumpus face.

Poor Ollie.  No respect.
Thanks for nothing, Amazon.

Ho Ho No more hats,



Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

but Chance.. it's Christmas!

Summer said...

Well, you are lucky it was so brief! I have to wear hats year round... sometimes I have to wear Santa hats in August for calendar deadlines. Just sayin'.

Happy holidays to you and your staff!