Okay, so maybe it's not that bad. 2020 has actually been pretty good so far, though Barb is still trying to get me to ring that
darn bell. I "accidentally" rang it with my foot the other morning, and you would have thought Barb won the lottery. Speaking of the bell, I was told that it was used in the inaugural spelling bee that was held here at the library (though no one thought to invite me). Apparently the bell was used to signal contestants to hurry up and write down their spelling guesses, and also to possibly scare Britta. I guess the sounds of bells ringing and dinging behind her tends to make her jump. I'm keeping that in consideration since I wear a bell, and there are potentially some great opportunities to ring my bell behind her.
The Bell of Doom |
In other news, a patron returned a game the other day called "Here Kitty Kitty". I decided to investigate, as this sounded like a worthy game. Upon further inspection, I discovered that not only was this game about cats, but it had 40 miniature cats, 10 of which were ginger-colored. The staff downstairs were getting out all the pieces, and I thought that meant they were going to play, but when I offered to help them by sitting on all the pieces they
rudely told me to move. They claimed they were just counting the pieces to make sure they were all there, and that I was in the way, but I'm not so sure. I think they knew that if I played, there would be no beating me since I had the upper hand, me being a cat and this being a cat game. I may have given them the cold shoulder for a while after this incident.
The Cold Shoulder |
Eventually I forgave them though for the price of a treat and a chin scratch. Wasn't that generous?
Should I, do I, will I ring the bell? |
Still trying to decide if I should ring the bell,
Oh, Chance, you simply must ring that bell! And that Here Kitty Kitty game looks like lots of fun.
I have lots of fun ringing my bell! My human learned a few tips on how to get me to do that by searching through training videos on YouTube.
Ah, Tober, the real challenge here is for you to train the staff to give you a treat whenever you ring the bell. Whenever Barb gives you a snack, ring the bell. Eventually she will associate the bell with your snacks, et voila! :)
OOps! Please forgive my slip of the pen, Chance. I've known many fine ginger toms like yourself, and like a mother with many kids, I sometimes run through several names before I ring the bell.
It's good to hear from you Chance. I think you're right about the "Here Kitty Kitty" game; no doubt you would be the champ. You still have time to decide whether or not to ring the bell.
dood....we say go for it...ring de bell.. ya never noe what mite happen, ya mite even get sum seared fresh tuna ona plate dee livered :) ya noe !!! happee 2020 two ewe ☺☺♥♥
delighted to discover you... we love books and we LOVE felines so the perfect combination! Helen, Darcy, Bingley and Fred xxxx
Chance! It's good to see you again. This post is a month old, but I am just seeing it. Forgive me. Your post title seems more appropriate than ever in late March, doesn't it? Is your library still open? I worry that, if it's not, you're all alone and lonely. Post something else to let us know how you are.
Hi this Caroline I heard you practicing when I went to the library today you are getting good
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