I have infiltrated the Secret Garden and placed a decoy inside.
The Secret Garden is inspired by the 1914 book The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Soon it will contain a sculpture of two children reading, as well as a bird, a fox, a frog, and a bunny-rabbit. It has lights in it, and benches, and plants and flowers that were mentioned in the book. People can borrow the Garden if they want to read or eat lunch or have a little gathering (but they have to give it back when they are done).
I like to spy on people when they are in the Garden. This is part of my Library Security Position. The Young Adult Room, in which Britta (my YA Librarian) recently installed a perfect Tober Nook, overlooks the Garden, so I can see what people are up to in there.
Here I am relaxing in my Nook. Thank you, Britta!
By the way, I am a little upset with my Assistant Boss Karen because she ran away from the Library to join the Boone County Fair. I was so lonesome today that I walked all the way to the other end of the building to get some company! I'm thinking Cathie and maybe Bonnie have a slight chance of getting Vacations reinstated. Karen will have to work Sundays when she comes back.
Not to worry ... they all love you and will be back soon ...
Who could stay away from you long ..
What a great garden you have there!
That is an awesome nook! I bet you see all kinds of nice things outside...including birdies!
You had to walk for company? They should be coming to you, Tober.
That is an awesome secret garden. What a cool place you live. Don't worry, your Karen will be back soon.
What a cool secret garden. You can walk the garden wall!
That is a wonderful garden - I wish I could visit there! I am sure Karen will be missing you tons while she is gone - who knows, maybe she will feel guilty for leaving and bring you a treat!
That garden looks lovely! Our Mommy wishes she had something like that near where she works to go off to at lunch. And a kitty like you to visit (although we might get jealous...). We like your nook, too!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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