One whole year, holy moley! April 29th is my First Gotcha Day, but my coworkers are celebrating me today AND tomorrow! (Really, I've been celebrating being Gotcha'd
all year long.)
So, I got a card:
Actually, I have two of them! One is upstairs, and one is downstairs, so that staff and visitors can sign the cards and leave nice notes for me. It's kind of like a Gotcha Day Guestbook.
Upstairs. |
Downstairs. |
The cards will be out all day tomorrow, too, so people who visit the library can add their wishes.
Karen brought in a hand-me-down cat bed thing that Sandy had passed on to her. It is kind of small, but it was FULL of interesting smells.
I gave it some good exterior sniffs. . .
Then went in a little further. . .
But I never did go all the way in.
Not quite. |
After that I had some special tuna treat! It comes in a tiny pouch like this:
Computer mousie for scale. |
. . . and, because it's my Gotcha Day and we're really
classy good recyclers, I ate my tuna off of an old Christmas paper plate.
It still tasted great! |
After a tiring morning of being loved and appreciated, I decided to take a nap in Karen's jacket. . .
. . . for 6 hours! |
After my nap, I decided I wanted to exercise a bit. So I wandered down to Christine's office and stared at her bottom right drawer. It's where Da Bird lives.
Ah HA! |
I can't believe I've been here one whole year! I'm still new to some people, and we even have people who forget and call me "Tober" sometimes. I don't mind. It's an honor to be a library cat, and loved, and I'm happy that I can continue the tradition of excellent Librarycatdomhood here in Thorntown.
Thanks for reading about my Gotcha Day. My first year has been awesome!
Happy Gotcha Day, Chance! What a fun day you had.
Happy gotcha day, Chance! It sounds like you had a great celebration!
Happy Gotcha Day, Chance! Sounds like you are being spoiled real good!
Happy Gotcha Day, Chance! I can't believe it's been a whole year either. Glad you've enjoyed your first year as a Library Cat!
Gabriel's Mom
Wish we could visit, Chance, to sign your card on your special day. Enjoy!
Sounds like you've had a wonderful Gotcha Day, Chance. You've earned that snooze time by being so massively cute.
We remember what a fantastic life Tober had and we're sure your life at the library is just as exciting. We're so glad you are celebrating your first Gotcha Day there so you know how appreciated you are to Staff and visitors. Congratulations!
dood...stoppin bye with bee lated happee gotcha day best fishez N mice creem dishez N lotz oh good wishez; lookz like yur day waz total lee awesum N ya had a mega soooper grate time.....we wood like ta sign yur card two if we may sew pleez copee N paste thiz az R signaturez...if ya want ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥
hApPee gOtcHa day dooD frum da taBbIez o TroUt toWnE !! ♥♥
Happy Gotcha Day, Chance! Looks like you had a pretty super day!
What a fun year it has been too. So glad you got your second chance.
Geez, Chance, I'm sorry I didn't stop in earlier. Your big day was a month ago already, and you are well on your way to your second. But you are right: a loved and well-cared-for animal celebrates his family and friends all year long, and they celebrate him. Well done!
I have just found you Chance and I think you are not only interesting,wise and tolerant but have such a sweet nature. I will be sure to tell my cat Millie here in New Zealand. I am busy catching up on all your earlier blogs. Tummy rubs and smooches from us xxx
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