Last Wednesday something
terrible happened at my Library. (The Wednesday I am referring to was July 15--technically TWO Wednesdays ago. I am just now recovering from the terribleness of that day.)
Two nice-looking Human fellows in blue shirts came in and wandered around the building for a while. They were peeking in closets and looking up at the ceiling a lot. One of them had a big stick with a plastic-looking thingie on the end, and they kept sticking it over these round things with blinky lights that are up on my ceilings. They then would say "Thanks" to whoever let them in that particular room and move on to the next round thing. It turns out they were testing the smoke detectors, which is a Very Important Thing to Do.
I thought they were harmless.No one told me they were also testing these things called Fire Alarms.
I thought Karen was coming for an afternoon visit whlie I napped by the restrooms. She sat down and started petting me, and I thought it was very Nice that she was so lonely for me. I was thinking about getting up and relocating back in my office chair.
Then Christine came for a visit. I should have known something Bad was going to happen when
she showed up. Why was I so popular all of a sudden? When I sit by the restrooms, I usually only get visits when someone needs to visit "the facilities" or get into the storage room.
Then, in mid-petting, the Fire Alarm went off! It was absolutely positively the
most Terrible sound in the Whole Wide World! It made my ears want to turn inside-out!
(See reenacted shot below.)
I ran as fast as I could to get away from the sound, but it was coming from Everywhere! Lights were flashing, too, and I hunkered down on the ground and ran for the Downstairs. It was noisy and flashing down there, too, and then my Staff started chasing me, so I ran faster!
Fellow Cats, if you have never heard the sound of 14,000 square feets of library alarms warning people to get the heck out, just imagine about a dozen toddler girls sqealing "Kitty!!!!" into your ears. The effect would be similar, I think.
I think I'm still partially deaf from the experience.
PS I am going to request that my Staff put one of those stickers on my Library doors that say "Please Mr. Fireman rescue the 1 cat that lives in this building." We can forget about the fishtank--they are swimming in fire putter-outer.