Today is October 17. My Finding Day is in two days, and do you know what my staff has done to honor me?
They've been all busy doing stuff like Festival Parade Float Book Sale Carpet Cleaning Mess Week, and making sets and backdrops for the library's Centennial Play, and celebrating the retirement of one of my Assistant Assistant Bosses.
Let me show you.
Here is our Award-Winning "Quack Open a Good Book" float.
It's all fun and games until you wind up with a "beard tan." |
Here I am supervising the Mess-making.
Yep. This is going to be a mess. |
After all the Floating, Book Sale-ing, and Mess-making, AAB Linda W. decided that she had had enough and was ready to retire. Here is a picture of her pretending to be sad about retiring:
Not sad. Not one bit. |
We will miss her, even if she had to force a sad-face for her retirement photo.
Here are a few great pictures of the Centennial Play and the actresses:
Backstage with the actresses! |
Gretel writing in her 1912 diary |
Mrs. Norris selling the property to F.B. Long and the committee |
Our Centennial Play is called
The Diary of a Library and was written by Lillian Smith to commemorate the library's 100th birthday. (No one has offered to write a play to commemorate my Finding Day. Just sayin'.) We held the World Premiere here at the library on October 11. The play ended with AB Christine showing of our Brand Spankin' New plaque in honor of Frank B. Long. He was the superintendent long, long ago and was the one who wrote a letter to Andrew Carnegie asking for money to build a library for Thorntown.
At the end of the play, AB Christine presented the library's Centennial Quilt. This quilt has been in the making for a year and a half! It's a sampler quilt made up of 20 unique blocks (by 20 unique quilters) that all share one common "theme" fabric.
Ta-Da! |
I would like to point out that no one has made a special quilt for me.
SO--as you can see, it has been very busy here, but 99.9% of the busy-ness has been non-LibraryCat-related. I've had to work to get everyone's attention.
I was especially disappointed by AAB Kathy who, as you may remember, is one of the better-trained ones. I had asked her, like, SIX times to give me a treat (or two). She ignored and ignored me, so I had to resort to this:
FYI, knocking things onto the floor (and almost into the toilet) is a great way to get your human's attention.
On Wednesday they celebrated Grouch Day by eating cake and taking a photo. (Around here we celebrate days ending with "Y" with cake.) They aren't even Grouching correctly! Look!
All smiles! (Cake does that to people.) |
Here's how you look Grouchy:
Even if my staff has gotten complacent and decided not to throw me a big Finding Day Celebration, I'm still glad that I got Found and have this awesome 100-year-old library for my Forever Home.
My official Finding Day is Sunday, October 19, and AAB Karen, my official Finder, will be spending extra time with me, so I guess I really haven't been Forgotten and Ignored.
Really, I'm so handsome it would be nearly impossible to Forget and Ignore me, RIGHT?!
Celebrating 6 Years of Being Loved,