Today my library staff decided to play a big April Fools' joke on our custodian, AAB Ritchie.
Ritchie is generally a good sport about these sorts of things. We pick on him all the time, and sometimes even to his face.
For April Fools' Day, the staff decided to dress up just like Ritchie.
Ritchie's work uniform consists of jeans pants, tennis shoes, a tee shirt (usually gray, and either
Menard's or
Evergreen Indiana), and a flannel or some sort of overshirt. OH--and suspenders.
So today we had 11 AAB Ritchies running around the library. It was insane. Right now we have the cleanest toilets in Indiana.
AAB Ritchie was absolutely astounded and honored by all of the extra attention:
So overwhelmed he had to sit down. |
Now, there are a few people missing from this photo: AAB Myrtle, who's off vacationing and is probably Not At All Sad that she missed the photo; AAB Alec, who was not scheduled to work and is probably relieved that his missed the photo; and AAB Phyllis, who was actually off WORKING and giving a tour of the museum while the rest of the staff was
goofing off being photographed in the library meeting rooms.
Of course, there's one other notable omission. ME. Which was fine by me, since I do not wear jeans pants, tennis shoes, tee shirts, flannel shirts, or suspenders.
Anyhoo, AAB Phyllis didn't get a picture with the staff, and didn't even get a picture with AAB Ritchie, who was so overcome by all of the excitement that he had to leave early to go to Menard's and purchase cleaning supplies with a rebate coupon. I offered to be in a picture with Phyllis, seeing as how AAB Ritchie and I are both redheads.
At least they didn't try jeans pants. |
Please notice the lovely and smiling AAB Phyllis
restraining holding the very grumpy and UNsmiling Tober.
Also notice the paper suspenders taped to me. This is worse than a collar!
The things we do for love.
Joke's on me, I guess!