Well, it's been a rough few days here at my Library, friends!
As you all know, Christmas is coming. That means three (3) things here at TPL:
1. Trees. Everywhere!
2. My stocking is hung by the chimney with care!
3. "Surprises" in the litter box. (Sorry AAB Cathie.)
I think my staff is watching the placement of Christmas bows a little better this year, since I'm such a bow-hunting master!
I kind of like Christmas decorating, especially at night after the staff leaves and I can inspect their handiwork. What I don't like is the Chaos that ensues on the day after Thanksgiving (Christmas Decoration Day). All of the stuff getting moved around, the staff not staying in their assigned seats, the treats sitting, forgotten, in desk drawers. . .
You're lucky to be reading this post.
BUT! A momentous and wonderful thing happened this year:

Did you see what I see?
Click the picture and biggify it!
That's right! I've got my Very Own Tree! It is decorated with
Cat Toys Feline Training Devices, and lights, and garland! AAB Britta made it special Just For Me, and put it in the Young Adult Room so that everyone could admire it.
Dear Santa, I will try my very best NOT to eat the garland.Speaking of Santa--Santa and his lovely wife, Mrs., will be here on Monday night to visit with any children (and hopefully Boss Cats) who would like to see him (and ask for special Christmas treats).
Christmas is Snow Much Fun at the Library! We will also have an animal show presented by Silly Safaris (yes, they're letting that
stinky really cool reindeer back in my Library again). And we have magician Marc Lehmann entertaining visitors of all ages, and snacks, and some snowflake-themed crafts for the little ones!
I will be Hiding in my Office for most of this, because Library Cats and over TWO HUNDRED (200!) people at one time! is a bit terrifying!
Since we have a Snow-Themed Christmas Party, I decided to check out the decorations:

The staff was all excited because I got Glitter on me. (AAB Ritchie especially loves it when Glitter gets in the carpet.) I was tormented by AAB Photographer's attempt to photograph Glitter on my furs.
If you look really closely in this picture you can see Glitter:

If you look really closely in this picture you can More Glitter (and a Pink Horsey):

If you look really closely in this picture you can see Irritation:

Thankfully the photographer remembered to turn the flash off for once.
Loving my special Tree-t,