If you recall, following the Halloween hat debacle I was threatened with the notion of wearing a Santa hat (and beard). Thank goodness the beard-Santa hat combo was out-of-stock on Amazon is all I can say. That didn't stop my photographer from going to a Petsmart store and choosing a Santa hat for me to wear.
I hate it. It bothers my ears!
But I did wear it, for only a minute--and so did lots of other critters in my library. So who do you think wore it best?
#1 - Aquarium
That is one mean, bitey clownfish! |
#2 - Big Bear
Big Bear, Tiny Hat! |
#3 - Bookmas Tree
Our first attempt at a Bookmas Tree! |
#4 - ME!
Was napping, and then. . . HAT! |
#5 - The Singin' Dachsie
One of the beloved Youth Department Singin' Critters! |
#6 - Gooney Bird
There's some weird stuff around here. |
#7 - Hedgie
Sometimes, when no one's looking, I bat Hedgie around the library. |
#8 - Mr. Fox
Mr. Fox usually lives in The Secret Garden. |
#9 - This Is Not My Hat book
Not even wearing the hat. DISQUALIFIED! |
#10 - Chipper
Chipper, the RCA puppy! |
#11 - Sad Panda Dorsey
Sad Panda is sad. He doesn't like wearing the hat, either. |
#12 - Classic Tigger
Consulting the map to get away from this hat. |
#13 - Water Bottle
All of the other Waters are jealous. . . or relieved. Who knows? |
SO. . . who wore it best?!?
(Don't vote for me, they might buy me the Santa suit to go with it. . . .)
PS - Monday is our family Christmas night at the library! If you are a Boone Countian, or within driving distance, I've heard our Christmas par-tay is worth a visit! (I will be safely locked away in my office!) Stop by from 6-8 pm on Monday December 5 for cookies, crafts, photos with Santa, a live animal show by Silly Safaris, strolling magic by Marc Lehmann, and a free book for each child!