If you will recall, last year I blogged about this
very weird Hoodie Hoo custom that my staff people and their lunchtime friends participate in. You know, the one where they go outside, flap their arms, and shout "Hoodie Hoo" at nothing in particular? This thing normally happens on February 20 each year (which is about the time that people in Indiana get sick and tired of winter and cold and snow and corn stubble).
This year they tricked me.
Today is February 19, which is Hoodie Hoo Day Eve. But at lunchtime, while I was busy having a refreshing Nap, they went outside and made a big racket. Luckily AAB Photographer (useful for once) was commanded by my Assistant Boss Valentine Karen to go outside in the cold and take a picture of the Thorntown Division of the American Army of Hoodie Hooers
in the process of chasing Winter away.
They are a formidable bunch:

My staff explained that since it has been a particularly snowy, miserable, cold, snowy, bleak, awful, frigid, snowy winter, we here at Thorntown Public Library are going to Hoodie Hoo
two days in a row. . . to be certain that Winter gets the point.
So, Blogging Cats--let all of your people know that Saturday, February 20, at noon sharp, they need to go outside, flap their arms, and shout Hoodie Hoo so we can get rid of this nasty Winter! Afterwards they are entitled to cake, ice cream, and pink lemonade (none of which was offered to me) because flapping about is quite exhausting.
they can do it. I chase away winter by staying in a climate-controlled building all year.)
Hoodie hoo!