I am not fat. The above photo displays my well-developed Treat-digesting muscle.
Thank you, Assistant Boss Karen, for reporting this to me. You will be rewarded for your Loyalty with extra-loud purrs and an extra layer of furs on your computer monitor.
A well-oiled machine,
Tober, you are very slender, don't let this mobbing get at you. In fact, there's obviously an empty spot in your tummy region that should be filled with treats asap.
Happy Sunday!
Siena & Chilli
You are fine just the way you are.
Oh, certainly not fat. What do beans know? Ignore them (as you no doubt do anyway ;) ).
Lovely photo of you all streeeeeeeetched out.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Fat??!? What are they talking about?? It's the camera angle of course!
That's not fat, that's fluff!
Tober, you are NOT fat! Tell them if they want to see a fat orange kitty, come see Angel on our blog!
Did they mention DIET Kitty Food .. in this meeting ?
We don't think you look fat at all! Sometimes they call me fat!!!
Tober is not fat. He is sleek, handsome, muscular (from leaping tall bookshelves) and did we mention Handsome?
Hi, we just saw your comment on The Paw Relations and followed it here. We wanted to stop by and say hello, and let you know we think you're one fine-looking man cat. Our human works in a library and wished there was a cat like you there.
Tober--I think you're built just right! Bah on human's calling you fat...what do THEY know???
Treat-digesting muscle......we like that one! We think you look marvelous!!!
You're definitely not fat! And even my mum says so. She also says you're very mancatly and handsome, rather like me. :)
Tober, you are perfect from what I can see! Believe me, I have a fat cat at home, I know these things. You look very handsome in your picture!
Tober, you are just well muscled. I bet you are not allowed to call any of the humans fat.
Tober, first, dey should not call you's fat. You is just a little fluffy. Second, if they is all that worried 'bout you's physique, we suggest that your staff spend less time in meetings and more time playing wif you fur more exercise☺
You don't look fat at all Tober! You look like a perfect mancat to me! Maybe they are just saying that so they can trick you into eating produce?
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