This questionable (to My Mind) activity took place on the only Saturday the library is closed that is not a holiday: Sept. 27, the day of my Thorntown’s Festival of the Turning Leaves. I prefer carpet and do NOT like wood floors, even the “soft yellow pine” that was put into my library in 1914. I cannot see that it is soft at all. My Assistant Boss and Assistant Assistant Bosses seem to like it, however, and praise its "character" (how does a floor have character?) and the cut marks in it that show where the 1914 circulation desk stood. They found it when they tore out the carpet during the 2004 renovation. This was Before My Time at the library, so it really doesn't count. (In fact, it was before I was born, if My Readers can even grasp such an extreme concept!) Remember that I have no front toenails and no way to get a grip on wood floors. Tile is only a little better, but it IS better.
Back to that Awful weekend. My Assistant Boss Karen placed my privy and my food and water across the “soft” wood floor and by the fireplace. My staff then proceeded to move all loose furniture except wood tables and stacked it around my new space. They did this with a maximum of grumbling and groaning and made quite a racket. They do this to save money, as it lets the carpet cleaning crew come in the door and go right to work without having to first move furniture. I'm all for saving moneys, because that means more Treats for Me, but they should really warn a cat first.
I can tell you THIS: I am not impressed with the carpet cleaning process. I am NOT impressed with their cleaning of 18 chairs, especially my favorite chairs. I am NOT pleased that the carpet cleaning leader told my Assistant Boss Karen that he found cat hair on a few chairs she had not marked for cleaning and he felt MY Beautiful Hair should be removed from those as well. They cleaned all of my chairs and made them smell weird.
The cleaners were on both floors at once, they made noises, and THEN they left damp carpet, not the place I wish to put my Lovely Paws! To make matters worse, no one spent the day with me as they usually do on Saturdays. Instead of giving tummy rubs and treats to my Glorious Self, they built two floats for the Saturday parade, they ran a book sale on the TILE floors (ugh) in the meeting rooms, they held a gourd exhibition at the Sugar Creek Art Center, they gave tours through the Thorntown Heritage Museum, and my Karen cut 75-90 (she lost count) gourd bird houses and gave them away on the museum lawn.
Here I am telling the little green Festival of the Turning Leaves jar that I do not approve of what it does to my weekend:
I can only see One Good Thing about Festival Saturday: the children’s play area was right outside My Big Round Window. I watched some pretty scary stuff: bungee cord jumping, space jumping, swoopy rides that made me NOT want any kitty treats right then. Karen even fed me my Sunday supper on the copier table so that I could eat and watch Festival being boxed up, an activity that I found a little unusual. My staff store books in boxes and then huff and puff as they stack them in storage. The children’s games outside My Window were also put into very large boxes, but those boxes had wheels and just rolled away. I wonder there they go and when they will be back.
I guess I shall believe Assistant Boss Karen, who assures me that they will be back next fall and that on that Saturday I shall again be Called Upon To Supervise Carpet Cleaning.
Oh, Joy.
The Things I Do for my library,
PS--I have been working overtime trying to get the "clean" stink out of this building.
Oh Tober, me is sue u are a very talented snoopervisor!
great day!
Oh goodness, Tober. That was a lot you had to put up with that day. We hope you were well compensated with treats for all the stress.
And we hope that clean stink goes away soon. Yucky.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Wow that is a crazy day! I think it sounds like fun for everyone else but not for you. And I understand what you are saying about the carpet cleaning - when we do it the kitties hate it and shake their paws when they walk on the damp carpet. At least you only have to go through it once a year!
My Purr Gang doesn't like noise. I can understand why it bothered you. All in your job description ... the bad ... the good is the pets and food. Oh, and the blogging ...
How dare they mess up your library, Tober! Next time have a list of dos and don'ts for them. They should only do what you authorize!
Lots to be done in the library but so sorry that you had to put up with being torn up and all. Sometimes things like that just happen.
Yur chairs need lots of re-furring! So much werk fur you to snoopervise! We's nefur had them carpet cleaners in my howse but the sucking monster is bad enuf. I hope you recover (the furniture wif yur furs) soon!
Poor Tober...they work you non-stop at that library of yours! You need a vaCATion!
Oh Tober, you should have lovely soft carpets everywhere, poor you, we didn't know they declawed you :(
That's mean.
Whicky Wuudler
Those hard floors must hurt your poor paws!
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