It is not starting out well. I had to try way too hard to get treats this morning.
Here I am asking very politely for a treat (or 5 or 6):
Here I am pointing out the location of the treats to my Assistant Assistant Boss in case she forgot where she put them:
Here I am helping to pick up the treat can in order to hurry things along:
Here I have given up All Hope of getting any treats during the whole month of October. *sniff*
Before you worry about me too much or think that I have been neglected, I will tell you I did manage to get some treats out of a few of the Better-Trained Staff Ladies here. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make the beginning of my month very Special.
Happy October!
Hi ya, Tober! You shouldn't hafta hunt for your own treats! Good think you got those better trained staff ladies there otherwise you'd hafta hire some new help!
Oh Tober, I think you have those ladies trained pretty well!
Ah, October is your finding month - is that where your name comes from? We're sure they are just playing hard to get and will shower you with treats later on.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Happy Finding Month Tober! I think at least a special treat of some kind every day is in order - not always a gift but something like a little extra petting woudl work too!
Happy Finding Month Tober!!! :)
I think you should get treats EVERY day.
I know where my treats are, too. I can stare right at them any time I want some. My bean is just slow to react sometimes. Aren't beans a little dense?
Tober--you've trained your staff well. Tommy says she's wishes there'd been cat like you in the library when she was growing up--she woulda spent more time there as she looked for different Nancy Drew books to read! :)
Hello Tober. We've come over from Percy's site to wish you a very Happy Finding Month. What a lovely job you have and very important, too.
The best of everything to you during your special month and always.
Happy Finding Month! That's a good word, as good as "Gotcha". And we think Siena and Chilli are very smart, that Tober must come from October? Is that true? We'd be interested to know, we'd wondered before where your name came from (we're cats after all, we get curious ;) ).
Glad to hear you got some treats, and hope you get many more this month!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
hi tober,
thanks for your visit.
to explorer the drawers, is a passion. see me here:
my actual address is:
Happy Finding Month Tober!!! We hope you get some gifts and get treats everyday!!!!!
Is October your gotcha day month too Tober?
We loves October, cause it is mine and my mums birthday months.
Poppy Q
Looks like you've got your staff trained well, Tober. Happy Finding Month!
Hello Tober!
Looks like u are doing great!
Why, YES, you should have treats each and every day not just in October but each an' eFURy day of your life! We get ours eFURy morning when the dogs are outside doing their business. We don't know what business they are in but momma says that they are out there doin' business.
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