Remember how I was telling you about the joys of leftover Halloween candy? Well, I had gone to the desk to visit the Monster candy dish and fish out something fun to play with.
Here is a picture of me with the Monster dish:
I was having a hard time getting a good piece of candy, though. I was trying to get one out with my teeth, and the Monster's mouth wasn't big enough for me to get in there.
So I pushed a little harder, and. . .
I didn't mean to. I'm a Sorry Cat. They can take it out of my paycheck.
R.I.P. Monster dish. I will miss you.
RIP Monster Dish. You served us well!
It is ok Tober, we know you didn't do it on purpose! We had a Halloween candy jar accident this year too - ours broke a few weeks ago when we got it out of storage. It was a great dish, but dishes break. It isn't like you smacked it off the desk or anything like that.
Wait a minute
Do we have video of this
No court would fine you
They'd fine the library for not having the dish close enough for
Better yet, I bet you could file cruel and unusual circumstances ...
or if that doesn't work
let them pet you to work it off ...
Oh no Tober! Well, the important thing is there were no injuries!!!
If they take it out of your paycheck, they should be ashamed. They should happily replace it with their own paycheck funds, as having your presence in the library is priceless. That's our opinion, which of course isn't worth much, since your staff didn't ask for our opinion.
Rip big blue monster, you were well loved. Happy blogoversary my little library mate. We hope you get as famous as Dewey the library cat!!
Oh now, Tober, how could this have been your fault? If they didn't want you to touch the jar, they should have put it somewhere else. Obviously negligence on their part!
The important thing is that you didn't cut your paw! Then they would have a worker's compensation claim on their paws!
I'm sure your Staff was glad you didn't hurt yourself--me too! Maybe they'll get another dish--that's plastic...hey-you wanted a toy, accidents, kinda sorta do happen! :)
Hi Tober, LOOK! You made real headlines, what a hero!
Thanks for your submission!
I am sorry the monster dish met its end Tober. You did not mean to break it, it was just a little accident. Every cool cat has done something just like this with pretty glass and ceramics.
Whoopsies! Well, sometimes these things happen. Just glad you didn't get hurt.
Charlemagne and Tamar
Tober, it happens to the best of us. We have smashed and crushed and manged lotsa' stuff and so far our momma has been PURRty good about our mishaps. We bet your staff ♥s you just the same.
R.I.P I’m some years late but still R.I.P
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