But it's exhausting being Handsome and brilliant, and I was Handsome and brilliant all day yesterday. I decided I would take a nap instead.
Hopefully my Staff can handle things for a while.
Napping away a rainy Saturday,
PS AAB Photographer just found out that she has taken almost 1500 pictures of me since I was hired here at the Library. (Most of them are really obnoxious close-ups and not suitable for unleashing on the Internets.)
Tober ~ You deserve to nap the day away.
U r such a sweetie Tober when u r curled up, and dashingly handsome of course!We like looking at your slideshow of all your great pics.
Naps are a boss's rewards for all that hard work nobody fully appreciates.
Tober, What you are talking about ?
This is an AWESOME POST !!!!
Saturday...Nap is always AWESOME !!!!
Mom just posted one of me taking a bath. How vulgar is that?!?
While we would enjoy a new post from you, Tober, we think taking a nap is better.
Tober, we hate to tell you, you're Handsome and brilliant even whilst napping.
Tober, I would LOVE to see close ups of you!
You're Handsome and brilliant at all times, Tober. We don't think we're the only ones who feel that way, either. Get your rest...
Naps are always #1 on our "to do" list.
Oh yes, that Nap sounds like a good idea! I too am going to take nap.
Who can resist a nap? We are all napping right now too. (Well, Mama is reading the blogs to us, but it is kinda like a bedtime story!)
My gosh, all of that hard work does deserve a nap. I am having mine today because I woke up and had my breakfast and am now exhausted.
Tober, when on is as handsome and brilliant as you, one can expect many thousand more photos.
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