Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Garden kids have arrived!

Now my Garden has a sculpture of children reading in it. . .

Shhhhh. . . they are trying to READ!
. . . and this is how they looked to me from my window in the YA room yesterday. . .

Yoo-hoo!  I see you!
Right now they have been moved and are leaning against a wall in the Garden. My Assistant Boss Karen stopped by to see me this morning (hooray!) and decided they should move for a while because they are a bit tippy. (They were probably fine, but she wanted to hide the fact that she came here to the Library just to see me. She did not want the other Staff to get Jealous.)

My Karen said she has talked about me every single day that she has been away at this Fair-thing, and that people even asked about me when they see her! Tomorrow she is coming home to work at the Library and I am super-excited! I will get Treats again! And I will fling apples and pencils about in celebration!

Me with a mousie.  Get it?
I cannot remember if I've posted this picture before but my new pictures are stuck in the camera (Upstairs) and my Photographer (Downstairs) is too lazy to get them out for me. So I am posting this one because even if you have seen it already you will surely appreciate how nice and glowy my furs look in the sunshine!

Radiantly yours,



JC said...

I think you look PURRfect !!!

The Crew said...

Hello Tober. We saw you over at Poppy Q's comments and wanted to stop by and meet you. Aren't you a handsome fellow!

It's a little late, but come by and see us some time.

George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Tober, that is a wonderful picture of you!!!!! Don't you just love how the sun feels on your furs???

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Your furs do look nice in da sunshine Tober. We bigafied da piksher but din't see yoor decoy out in da matter, it looks like a lovely place anyway.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Tober you do look radiant in the sunshine! And the garden kids look cool. I am glad that your Karen will be back to give you treats tomorrow!!

The Island Cats said...

We think that's a furry good picture of you, Tober...we could look at it again and again and again!

Poppy Q said...

What a nice picture of you Tober. The statue is very pretty and what a nice thing to have in the library garden.

I am sure you will become famous, just like Dewey.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, Tober, you have shiny furs in the sun. Very handsome!

Anonymous said...

Tober, you certainly are a very and very handsome kitty-catty. We are happy to find out that your supply of treats will be replenished soon.