My Assistant Assistant Boss Linda found an email in her junk mail from Laila and Minchie. Hi Laila and Minchie! I am fine! How DARE our spam filter put your Very Important Email in the junk mail. I will have a talk with it for you.
Here, I will try to catch you up on Christmastime at the Library.
First of all, there are trees EVERYWHERE in here, and they all have interesting things hanging from them, and shining lights, and the fake green stuff is pretty tasty. The Library was a flurry of activity after Thanksgiving when all of the decorations went up.
On December 7 we had a big Christmas Party called A Scenic Christmas at the Library. Jingle John came to the Library and brought a real live Reindeer and other arctic animals! The Reindeer was very small (for a Reindeer, I guess), but I also heard that Jingle John brought a doggie and I was not interested in being in the same room with a doggie. One of my AABs snapped a picture of John and the doggie and the Reindeer for me.
Do you see that vicious doggie on the left?
Here is another picture of the Little Reindeer. It is standing in front of my Most Favorite Tree in the Library--do you know why it is my Favorite?
The party was a Very Big Success and around 350 children and adults came to see the program, make Christmas ornaments and magnets, eat cookies, and have pictures taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus. It was a very fun time, but I am glad I was safely tucked away in a staff office where I could view the activity through the windows.
In addition to the usual Christmas decorations, I am excited to report that my Stocking was hung by the chimney with care:
I am sad to report that it appears to be EMPTY.
I suppose it would have things in it if I hadn't opened my first Christmas present early:
I am excited that I have gotten Christmas cards and presents from some very special blogging friends. I have my Christmas card all ready to go, but sometimes it can be hard to get the Staff to help me do things like lick envelopes and apply stamps.
Since I have deprived you of my handsome self for over two weeks, I guess I'd better post another picture. The photographer has been particularly pesky this time of year, especially since now she keeps trying to put me in particular places (in front of trees, on weird chairs, in windowsills) to get a "special" picture. Well, every picture of me is special! Here is one where she finally left me alone. . . and I think it came out pretty well:
Thank you everybody for thinking of me while I was busy managing my sometimes unruly Staff! I will post again soon!
Purrs & headbutts,
Wow Tober, you have certainly had your hands full. No wonder you had to lie down for a nap. I'm sure someone will fill your stocking with presents. After all you are a good cat !
Tober! Good to hear from you. What a busy boy you've been, but sounds like all happy stuff...even the Christmas doggy. Is that your favorite tree because of the hanging apples? That's a hard guess from me. Do tell us!
~Lisa Co9T
Holy Mackeral! It sounds like your library is really the place to hang out this Christmas! Is that apple tree your favorite because those ornaments would make great toys to bat around?
I'm glad you are ok.
I know you are busy running that library but seriously, tell them to update more often.
You do look very cute in your photos ... they did well with that.
And, that reindeer ... adorable but that big dog ... who thought of that ... must talk about that in your next staff meeting
Glad you've been having some fun around the library, Tober. You do lead an interesting life there.
In case we don't "see" you again before the big day, Merry Christmas to you and to all your sometimes unmanageable staff. ;-)
What excitement you have had Tober! We do hope that even though you were locked away during the festivities, that you got plenty of scritches.
We don't think you have to worry about your stocking being just have to wait till Christmas for that to happen. We think it is great you got to open a present early!
Meow got all gooey over that last picture of you. She loves it when us kitties curl up cute like that!
That last picture is one all the beans AAAWWWW about, I bet. And I think you won't have much worry that that stocking will be filled by Christmas. Especially if they see that picture!
Tober, you sure have been busy at the library!! And that reindeer kinda looks like a vishus deer...but not so vishus!! We hope that stocking gets filled to the brim!
Tober, you have to cutest, little pink toesies! Just relax and let the staff do the work during the holidays. Play with the apple tree and say a PURRayer that Santy Claws will put more things in your stocking!
Wow Tober! That's a lot of busy stuff to oversee at Your Library! But it sounds like a lot of fun (except for maybe that dog.)
We hope you have a good Christmas!! :)
Oh my cats!! They let a real live reindeer in the library!
Hi Tober!! We are very jealous of all the fun it sounds like you are having there at the library - a bunch of trees to play with - so lucky!
We love that last picture of you BUT we were also excited to see in the corner of the one before our card - we are so glad to see it because that way we know you got it! In case we don't see you before then we hope you have a very wonderful Christmas - we know your stocking will be full once Santa comes!
Merry Christmas to you Tober and all of your library mates. I hope you get lots of treats and smooches.
Poppy Q
You've been a very good boy this year, Tober, so we're sure that Santa is going to bring stuff for your stocking.
We want to with you and the rest of your staff a very purry, Meowy Christmouse and a pawsitively wonderful 2010!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Wow! A real reindeer in the library!
Happy holidays, Tober!
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