Thursday, June 24, 2010

The mystery of the funny-hatted statue.

This week my Assistant Assistant Boss Becki found a statue of me with a Gold Thing sticking out of my head.

At first I thought the Tober-statue was wearing a funny-looking hat. If you will remember, I don't do hats. Or collars. Or necklaces.

Then I found out that this Tober-statue is also a Lotion Dispenser! (So that Gold Thing is NOT a hat! Whew!) I am very pleased that the Library has acquired a Lotion Dispenser, because everyone should have soft and smooth hands for petting the Boss Library Cat.

Some Staff have commented that the Tober-statue has a very Tober-like "disapproving look." I think those who find that they are overly familiar with my "disapproving look" should probably, oh, give me some treats. Then maybe they would know my usually pleasant side.

This new Lotion Dispenser is filled with some non-scented Lotion. This is for two reasons. 1) Some people don't like strong smells and 2) I don't want to smell like a Lady after I've been petted.

That second thing? It happens a LOT. You've never smelled a more flowery Man-cat.

Sad but true.



Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Tober, it's your doppelganger! But you are way cuter!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You're much better looking than your statue double.

Percy the Cat said...

Our mum uses vanilla scented lotions, but she tries not to pet us right afterwards (she says she gets furs on her hands if she does).

I'm very flattered that your AAB likes my thick furs. My crabbity face is cute, even my mum says so. Which I suppose is why she takes so many darn photos. :)

Cats in Trees said...

Lol, your statue has a look that says: 'do you want to touch me with those hands, seriously?'.

And with your statue you also are an improvement to the library: no more flowery smelling thrillers. That just won't do.

Where would they be without you?

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, don't worry, Tober. You will always be a tuff mancat, no matter what you smell like.

Katnip Lounge said...

Our Daddy kisses our necks a lot, and he wears cherry chap stick! We think we'd rather smell like flowers. Do you know how hard it is to get cherry smelling wax offa your neck furs? The only consolation is our furrs stick to his lips and he hasta go phttthbt! to get 'em off.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

At least you get lots of petting!